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Sound Files for Bnei Mitzvah Students

Please click here for SoundCloud playlist. Where there is more than one recording of the same thing, choose which one is the most helpful for you:

1. Shema (first 2 lines)
2. V'ahavta

Friday Evening Kiddush
Sound file 1 - chanted (Zahavit Shalev)
Sound file 2 - read
Sound file 3 - Kiddush in Shul chanted (Rivka Gottlieb)

Shabbat Morning Kiddush
Sound file 1
Sound file 2
Assif sound file

Sound file

Berachot before and after Torah Reading
Sound file

Berachah before Haftarah
Sound file

Berachot after Haftarah
Sound file

Sound file 1
Ashrei Sound file 2

Psalm 121: Esah Enai
Sound file

Anim Zemirot
Sound file 1
Sound file 2

Psalm 23: Mizmor L'David
Sound file 1
Sound file 2


1. Hinei El melody 1
2. Hinei El melody 2 (Scarborough Fair)
3. Havdalah Blessings (by Debbie Friedman)

Sat, 12 October 2024 10 Tishrei 5785