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A Prayer from Rabbi Jonathan

In the midst of this cruel war, we pray for an outcome for Israel and its neighbours which swiftly restores calm, ensures security, and leads to an enduring political solution resulting in justice and peace.   

We pray for the end of Hamas and the defeat of all terror and terrorist organisations.

We pray for the release of all the hostages and their safe return home to their longing and desperate families.

We pray for a minimum of casualties among the soldiers of the IDF and among all civilians in Gaza and Israel caught up in the fighting.

We pray for everyone across Israel and the Jewish world giving shelter and support to the tens of thousands evacuated from their homes. We pray for everyone supporting those wounded, traumatised and grief-stricken by Hamas’ barbaric attack. We pray for everyone striving to bring healing.

We pray that the laws of war are honoured. We pray for the supreme values of mercy and compassion.

Our God is the God of all life. We pray for the safety of the many thousands of innocent Palestinian people whose plight is appalling, who desperately need food, water, medicines and safe escape routes from the fighting. We pray for everyone striving to bring them protection and humanitarian aid. We pray for a better future for them, for a life of freedom and dignity.

We pray for the remarkable people devoting themselves to saving lives, wherever they are. We pray for all who, despite the fear and hostility, recognise the image of God in every victim of this terrible conflict and who work for healing on all sides.

We pray for our society here in Britain. We pray that antisemitism, islamophobia and all forms of race and religious hatred are overcome, so that we can work together in solidarity for a safe and harmonious future for all.

Even as the fighting continues, we pray that a better way is urgently found than war with its unspeakable horrors, so that Israel and its Palestinian neighbours can live together in safety and peace, with life and hope for everyone.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg


Below are links to some of the organisations supporting Israel at this time:


UJIA has launched an Emergency Community Appeal to provide immediate Support for Victims of Terror, Urgent provisions for evacuees, emergency trauma & psychotherapy support, and support for displaced Israeli children. 

To donate click here.


Magen David Adom is on its highest level of Alert. Following the current security situation, MDA regions are at the highest Level 4, manning 100% of their life-saving vehicles 24/7, ready to respond in any given minute.

To donate click here

New Israel Fund

The New Israel Fund UK have moved rapidly to shelter and provide for those fleeing the kibbutzim, towns and Bedouin villages attacked by Hamas; prevent violence in mixed cities and promote community cohesion; and expand trauma support services.

To donate click here


In the wake of the unprecedented attack by Hamas terrorists and the ensuing war, Masorti Olami has targeted four areas of action for which they are best placed:

• Spiritual and emotional support kehillot members and leadership.
• NOAM – guiding, supporting and strengthening resilience.
• Ensuring that Israel remains a Jewish and democratic state.
• Hasbarah and bringing information to Masorti Jews outside Israel.

To donate click here

some advice

Looking after Ourselves and Managing Anxiety

Below is some general advice on protecting our own mental health in these difficult times. The advice comes from a lead clinical psychologist in Israel, and is endorsed by our Pastoral Care Co-Ordinator, Deborah Golend.

  • Obsessively keeping up with the networks and news can provide us with a sense or illusion of control. It is as though if we are constantly up to date, we are doing something about what has happened. In practice, not only do we not do or help anyone, but vice versa. We weaken and tire ourselves out and leave no strength for ourselves and our loved ones or our families. The right thing is to catch up sparingly. Two to three times a day.
  • Guilt – If we are not connected to the news 24/7 we may feel guilty. We may try to express solidarity or support for family, friends or community by connecting to the news. Again, in practice, we might only become more distressed and struggle to engage with work, school, life.
  • The videos and testimonies we are currently exposed to are bigger and more devastating than we can contain. It is important not to overwhelm ourselves more with distressing information assuming we can filter and manage. 
  • Try to create a routine, even if you don’t feel like it. Give yourselves small daily tasks. Not to be angry at ourselves and for having a hard time functioning optimally right now.
  • Take breaks and do distracting things. Play, listen to music, do some physical activity, watch a film. These activities can create calm and distraction.
  • Be together, be and talk to people who are supportive and kind.
  • Think about how we can help. Even in the smallest thing. What I have to give to others. The feeling that I helped someone is very important and helpful.
  • Avoid creating trauma responses to material we watch. Exposure to difficult content such as a video or photo can also be triggering stay in our minds.

Click here for some additional tips from the Board of Deputies on how to manage your anxiety and maintain psychological wellbeing.

Click here for some advice from the Mental Health Foundation on looking after your mental health during scary world events.

JAMI may also be able to provide assistance, as they support many hundreds of people each year impacted by mental health problems.

Children and Young People

PAJES, an organisation, which provides support to Jewish schools in UK, have produced accessible and visual resources, including videos, which may be worth watching with your child. 

There are helpful resources from Beacon House for talking with your child about war and conflict.

InnerWorldWork also have a collection of resources to support parents and professionals working with children dealing with trauma.


This is not a comprehensive list but it provides details of the main organisations which can provide more detailed information.

The JLC has a dedicated community resource portal online with links to information, events, fundraising and important resources to support you during this difficult period. The portal is updated daily and the JLC is working closely with their membership as well as other community organisations to ensure they can share information clearly and accurately.  Please visit the portal for more information


Please complete this form if you can offer/are looking for accommodation.


Some Jewish schools are offering to take Israeli children. These links should help to provide more information:

PAJES - How to apply to a Jewish school
UJIA - Registration form for Israeli families


Resource, a Jewish job-seeking agency, are supporting Israelis with employment.


Finally, this Facebook group is a good place to find information.

Wed, 23 October 2024 21 Tishrei 5785