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Please scroll down for details of services and activities for the whole community.

Arbah minim ordering & Collection

If you would like to order your arbah minim (lulav and etrog set), you can do so via this form by Friday 11 October at 3pm. You will be able to collect your order from NNLS on Tuesday 15 October between 4pm and 7pm.

The sets will be £38 and £32 for children's sets/first time users.

This year, we are also offering EcoJudaism's Arbah Minim bag for life, which you can purchase on the same form for £31.50 (a special price for EcoJudaism communities). Here are the features:
* Sturdy and insulated to keep Arba Minim fresh
* Dedicated pocket for etrog
* Showerproof
* Practical carry strap
* Space to insert your name label

who you gonna call?…the nnls succah building squad

Is it your first attempt at Succah building…or are you trying out a new model this year? NNLS member, Brian Berelowitz will be on call until Sunday 13 October. Whatever the nature of your query (halachic or otherwise), don’t hesitate to call Brian, our Succah Building Squad for answers to all your Succah building worries.

Home visits possible!

Contact Brian Berelowitz on 07770 755688

Seudah Shlishit 

Shabbat Succot 20 October

Seudah Shlishit 

Nicky and Rabbi Jonathan welcome you to tea in their Succah – and a chance to reflect on some of the famous, infamous and challenging verses of Kohelet / Ecclesiastes.

Ending with Maariv and Havdalah

Please RSVP to Lucy

Neshama Soulful singing in the Sukkah!


Please join Rabbi Zahavit for a Neshama session – similar to those we do on Shabbat morning – but in the Sukkah. If you’ve not come before you’re also welcome. We’ll sing (mostly) wordless niggunim (soulful chants), enjoy a short, guided meditation, some brief words of Torah, and refreshments.

Please RSVP if you can attend and also join our What’s App group here.



sUccOT & Simchat Torah sERVICES

Unless otherwise stated, services will take place at NNLS

Erev Succot: Wednesday 16 October
6.30pm Minchah/Ma'ariv 

Succot Day 1: Thursday 17 October 
9.30am Traditional Service
9.30am Egalitarian Service

11.00am Family Service (sign up here)
11.00am Torah Breakfast - Years 5 and 6

Erev Succot Day 2: Thursday 17 October 
6.30pm Minchah/Ma’ariv - At Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg's home

Succot Day 2: Friday 18 October
9.30am Traditional Service

5.30pm Dinner in the Succah - Years 9-13 (sign up here)
6.30pm Minchah/Ma’ariv

Hoshanah Rabbah/Erev Shemini Atzeret: Wednesday 23 October
6.45am Hoshanah Rabbah and Shacharit Service (in person and on Zoom)
6.30pm Traditional Minchah/Ma'ariv Service

Shemini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah: Thursday 24 October
9.30am Traditional Service

4.30pm Children's Simchat Torah celebration, ages 3-11 (Sign up here)
6.30pm Simchat Torah Tisch, Year 7+ (sign up here)
7.00pm Ma'ariv and Hakafot (Erev Simchat Torah Service)

Simchat Torah: Friday 25 October
9.30am Traditional Service
9.30am Egalitarian Service
6.30pm Minchah/Ma'ariv

Teens, Families & Children

Click here for Succot Family and Children's services.

Click here for activities for teens over Succot.

Yom Tov Times

Erev Succot, Wednesday 16 October, candle lighting: 5.51pm
Succot I, Thursday 17 October, candle lighting: 6.50pm
Succot II, Friday 18 October, yom tov ends: 5.46pm

Erev Shemini Atzeret, Wednesday 23 October, candle lighting: 5.36pm
Erev Simchat Torah, Thursday 24 October, candle lighting: 6.37pm
Simchat Torah, Friday 25 October, yom tov ends: 5.32pm

Sat, 12 October 2024 10 Tishrei 5785